

Energy Transition and G&P companies: market leaders in action


Autore: Magdalena W. Kuffel Pubblicazione:  Marzo 2018 Lingua:  Inglese Pagine:  5 Sezione: Osservatori Azienda: Agici
COD: 09/01/2018 Categorie: , ,

This article is based on the 2018 Report prepared by the Observatory on Alliances and Strategies in the pan-European Utility Market. The Report is dedicated to the Energy Transition and to how the largest companies in the sector approach this challenge. The Report, titled precisely “Energy Transition: 39 G&P pan-European market leaders in action” has been presented and discussed in the annual conference of the Observatory on March 1, 2018 (together with the presentation of Italian M&A Report) and is available on publishing.agici.localhost