The Benefit of the Milan-Rome High-Speed Rail
Pubblicazione:  Giugno 2012
Lingua: Inglese
Pagine:  37
COD: baf-eng-2013
Categorie: Infrastrutture, Pubblicazioni, Report
The Milan–Rome HSR line has influenced the Italian economy and society as well as generated considerable environmental benefits by reducing road traffic and relative greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. This study thus assesses both the potential benefits of the HSR for Italy’s economic and social system realised to date (two years after full completion) and those that it will potentially generate during its service life of 50 years. In fact, high-speed lines are thought to represent an investment that will benefit future generations.
Leggi di più- 1 – Purpose and Results
- 2 – The Milan–Rome HSR
- 3 – Framework of the Analysis
- 4 – Traffic Scenarios
- 5 – Cost-Benefit Analysis
- 6 – Conclusions
- 7 – Bibliography
- 8 – Notes
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