The Italian Water Industry. Cases of Excellence
- Describes the Italian water sector from governance to sustainability
- Includes contributions by leading Italian water professionals, from engineers to utility managers
- Presents various cases of cutting-edge solutions for water and wastewater management
This book describes the water sector as it is structured in Italy, presenting innovative engineering, financial and managerial solutions implemented by the Italian water sector, through the experiences of its major stakeholders. The main themes addressed include water regulation, financing infrastructures, economic performance of the leading companies, abstraction, potabilization, distribution, treatment and purification technologies, energy production, and organizational restructuring. The last part of the work presents company profiles with important financial indicators, as well as future strategic postures.Written by leading Italian experts, the book reflects the remarkable advances that have been made in the field of water governance and environmental management. The book is especially valuable for researchers, water professionals, utility managers, as well as policy makers and foreign investors looking for opportunities. This work has been prepared as part of the research activities of the Observatory on Sustainable Water Industry, one of Agici’s Research and Advisory units.
General Overview of the Italian Water Sector
The Pursuit of Excellence in the Water Industry
Andrea Gilardoni
Water Regulation: An Innovative Approach
Lorenzo Bardelli
Financing Infrastructures in the Water Industry
Simona Camerano
Economic and Financial Performance of the Leading Companies
Massimiliano Cattozzi, Giovanni Costigliola, Nicola Tomaiuoli
Advanced Purification and Water Quality Solutions
The Construction of the Boron and the Arsenic Removal Plants in Franciana
Ennio Marcello Trebino
Arsenic Removal Technologies
Stefano Quaglino
Experiences in Hexavalent Chromium Removal in the Treatment of Drinking Water
Paolo Romano
Evolution of Laboratory Procedures for Water Quality Analysis
Vladimiro Agostini
Optimizing the Distribution Network
Acea-WETNET: True Monitoring of Water Networks
Stefano Antonio Donnarumma
Integrated Solution for a Smart Water Network
Andrea Gallina, Donato Gerardo Pasquale
A Decision Support System for Acquedotto Pugliese
Nicola De Sanctis
Real-Time Automatic Control and Management of the Network Distribution
Stefano Quaglino
A Safe Model Thanks to Interconnections
Lorenzo Veronese
High-Pressure Fire Prevention System in Venice
Vladimiro Agostini
Wastewater in a Circular Economy Perspective
Innovation and Circular Economy in Water Sector: The CAP Group
Alessandro Russo
Wastewater in a Circular Economy Perspective
Waste Water Management in Seaside Tourism Areas: The Rimini Seawater Protection Plan
Stefano Venier
Circular Economy and WWTPs: Water Reuse and Biogas Production
Massimiliano Bianco
Paolo Romano
Facing Financial and Managerial Challenges
MM SpA: Integrated Water Service Investments and Financing Strategy for the City of Milan
Stefano Cetti
Corporate Reorganization to Adapt to the Demand for Performance Improvement
Tullio Montagnoli
Implementation of a Balanced Scorecard in the Water Industry. The Abbanoa S.p.A. Case
Alessandro Ramazzotti
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